
WordPress Website Maintenance (Starter Plan)

Original price was: $65.00.Current price is: $55.00.

  • All work will be done by human hand, no plugin or auto script will use. It’s 100% secure & trustworthy (not 99.99%).
  • Update the WP core files/Plugins/Theme Once a month
  • All Update will done in local server before making any changes/updating of the live website. So, there’re will be no interruption time in updating process & it’s completely secure.
  • No broken risk & no time wasted! Using plugin or auto script, there’re always risks of broken the website & waste time to fix it in live server. We always care the time & we ensure all work done by human hand & in local server before doing it on the live server. So, if we are seeing anything broken in website in the local server, we fixed it before any changes doing with live website.
  • 30 Minutes Development Support / Monthly
  • 1 Manual Backups
  • Secure Backup Storage
  • Store 2 Latest Backups
  • 1Gb Secure Backup Space
  • Monthly Service Reports